AMBA/IRTA Webinar Series

Join Our New Webinar Series!

AMBA is proud to announce the upcoming series of educational seminars for Retired Teachers in Indiana. IRTA partnered with AMBA as the exclusive association benefits providers for members. These short webinars provide valuable resources and information about important topics like Long Term Care, Medicare, Medical Transportation and more. The talks are educational and informative: retirees often tell us they are thankful for the overview and knowledge they gain. Join us for the next one and invite a friend!

Protecting Your Nest Egg

You've worked hard all of your career and now you have a pension and a nest egg to protect. In this webinar, we'll explore what a nest egg is, what the top 5 threats are to your retirement nest egg, and some possible solutions to keep you resting easy when it comes to your financial future.

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Life 101

Have an old life insurance policy laying around and wonder if you still need it or how it works?  We'll explore the 3 main types of life insurance and what living benefits some of them may offer.

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The Basics of Medicare

How do I make sense of this Medicare Alphabet Soup? What does A&B have to do with F, D, H, G, and N? When do I sign up and what is covered? You might be surprised at what's not covered with Medicare. Join us to get a good, basic overview of Medicare so that you can make the informed decisions whether you are already on Medicare or soon will be.

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All About Long Term Care

November 12
1:00 pm EST

Explore the myths and realities of what is covered when it comes to Long Term Care. Does Medicare cover anything? What about my major medical plan? Are there any options? Do I even need it? Join us to find out all the answers as we break down what Long Term Care is and how it impacts generations of your family.  We’ll look at many options you might not have considered.


Holiday Discounts for IRTA Members

December 10
1:00 pm EST

The Holidays are here and whether you’re shopping, dining out, or planning travel to a warm weather location, IRTA has a way for you to save money.  Join us for the latest discounts that are free as part of your IRTA membership.

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